Archive for topic “the good fight”

Navy Veteran Stands Opposed To Brutal Police Tactics

We should all aspire to this man’s level of steadfastness and bravery, literally in the face of our oppressive police state. Video taken on October 25, 2011 in Oakland, CA.

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Buy Nothing Day 2010

Video: Adbusters

“North American Piggy” television spot that MTV, ABC and CTV won't air

Be sure to check out the rejection phone calls from MTV, ABC and CTV on the Adbusters’ Buy Nothing Day page, particularly the ABC’s “off the record” rejection.

Buy Nothing Day is your special day to unshop, unspend and unwind. Relax and do nothing for the economy and for yourself – at least for a single day.

Can you really buy absolutely nothing for just one day? You might say “Sure!” but can you ACTUALLY go one whole day without transacting ANY business? Are you totally debt free so that you can go a whole day without accruing interest on your mortgage? Are you off the grid so that you can go a whole day without paying the power company? Do you have ANY utilities? Water, Sewer etc? Do you have a cell phone? Do you have stocks or other investments that transact business in your name every day without your input? Do you have other debts, such as credit cards that accrue interest? Can you really go one whole day without buying anything? Try it!

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Who needs net neutrality? You do!

NET Neutrality - an activist mashup from Michael Mahaffey and ill.gates

There are only four days left to let the FCC know how you feel about net neutrality. If you are still unclear on what is at stake, check out the mashup above from Michael Mahaffey and ill.gates.

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