Climate Camp's response to the London Metropolitan Police

The London Metropolitan Police asked Climate Camp to reveal the location of their next camp so that a “proportional policing operation” could be planned. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Climate Camp replied with the above video.

Context: Climate Camp is a lawful, peaceful gathering of people (old, young, men and women) to talk about alternatives to environmentally devastating ways of producing and consuming. Earlier Climate Camps have been met by unprovoked and savage police assaults and harassment.Cory Doctorow

This is a story about the power of social networking to realize change, a story about the shortcomings of a police state, a story about people standing together in the face of oppression. In short, a story about the power of people; a fantastic modern tale. Let’s hope it has a peaceful conclusion. Regardless of your view on climate change, peaceful assembly must be supported in ostensible democracies such as the United Kingdom.

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