Kansans and non-Kansans alike, please take a moment to click through to the CREDO action site to send Kathleen Sebelius a fax (free, of course) telling her to stay strong in the fight against new coal power plants.

On November 18, Sunflower Electric Power Company filed a lawsuit alleging that state officials violated the Commerce Clause and Sunflower’s equal protection rights when they denied Sunflower’s permit application to build two 700 MW coal-fired power plants in southwestern Kansas.CREDO action

Dear readers, what is mantra #2? Look at it. It is right over there…(points eyeballs towards right-center of screen)…repeat after me, “A corporation does not have inalienable rights!” Very good, class!

Equal protection? Are you kidding me? The really sad and disgusting thing about this lawsuit is that under the current legal structure in the United States, corporations DO have a right to equal protection under the law. That is equal protection to that afforded to you and me, the actual, human citizens. This mentality must change. These laws must change. Take a moment to contemplate our current reality. Do you think corporations deserve protection equal to you, an individual citizen? Do yourself a favor and check out The Corporation. It is a wonderful compendium of the history of the entities known as “corporations” and the evolution of their rights in the United States. A riveting film and essential viewing for anyone that wants to understand our current economic crisis.

So, that’s two things to do: 1) Tell Sebelius to keep fighting and 2) Watch The Corporation. If I were you, I’d get all this homework done now so you can just relax over the long weekend. Even better, kick back with your family and watch the movie! Spread the word! Keep fighting the good fight, one turkey corporation at a time!

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