Posts tagged “eco-friendly cards”

Happy Earth Day! Now stop using plastic bags already.

This is the sort of appalling image that should make us all think about what we throw away today.

Image: © Dino Ferri/Audobon Institute

This appalling image should make us all think about what we throw away today.

I admit it. I watched Oprah today. I am not a frequent viewer, but I watched because my friend Sim was on the show. Her segments were great and the show overall reinvigorated my disgust with the consumer packaging status quo. So, here is my annoying “green” thought for Earth Day: stop using plastic bags. Check out the great Earth Day coupons that Sim and Oprah were talking about and get a reusable canvas bag (or 10)! It doesn’t take much to make the world a better place!

We've been saying this in Kansas for millennia. Welcome to the party, Earth!


We've been saying this in Kansas for millennia.
Welcome to the party, Earth!

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Earth…make it happy today

Earth Day wisdom, compliments of

Image: someecards

Earth Day wisdom, compliments of

I got this gem from my good friend Sim. You can send it to someone yourself just by clicking on it. You can also find many other irreverent (and eco-friendly) cards at someecards.

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